We Offer Three Kinds of Training

What Do You Want to Learn?

  • Learn Your Style

    Watch and download free Gospel-centered content on your Enneagram style now. You can also buy an online course and download a more robust, full report to help you fully apply the Gospel uniquely to your life.

  • Learn All 9 Styles

    In this robust course we walk you through all 9 Enneagram styles in 9 weeks. It includes 59 videos and 47-pages of all our full reports to help you apply the truth of the Gospel uniquely to the people you serve.

  • Advanced Training

    We offer advance training for church leaders and professionals. We'll teach you how to lead a small group, how to coach or give you one-on-one coaching to launch your own ministry.

Learn Your Style

Click on Your Enneagram Style Below

Learn All 9 Styles

Same Course. Distributed in Two Ways.

We offer training on all 9 Styles. You can get access to all 59 videos all at once with our All 9 Styles Course or space them out over nine weeks with our 9 in 9 Course. Both include the same material.

Advanced Training

For Leaders and Professionals

Our Advanced Training is designed to better equip you to help people find freedom by rooting the Enneagram in Jesus. We currently offer two courses:

How to Lead a Group - FREE!

Watch our webinar on how to lead a group through our material. It comes with a downloadable group curriculum.

Certified Coach Training

Once you've completed one of our two courses on All 9 Styles, you're eligible to become a Certified Coach!  In this advanced training, you'll get:

  • Three group sessions, we'll cover levels of health for each style, spiritual disciplines, childhood and relationship patterns. 
  • Three one-on-one sessions with one of our staff where we will help you hone your skills.
  • You'll start coaching at least 3 other people during this training and gain experience walking people through a greater level of self-awareness and gospel application.
  • You'll receive a relational assessment for coaching couples or mangers and subordinates.
  • We will provide a 50% discount on other resources. This including our 47-page report for all 9 styles (with permission to distribute the individual style reports or to a small group of no more than 20 people). And once you've completed your requirements and have become a Certified Coach, we'll provide a conference workbook and our full powerpoint presentation at a 50% discount as well. 

All Access Pass

If you are a professional and know that you want to be trained to use all our material, pay upfront and save!

Or Click Below to Start a Course